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World Leading Technology

Over the years, Symbiotic Sciences has acquired a unique expertise in the industrial-scale production of top-quality mycorrhizal inoculants. The mycorrhizal production process developed by us requires a strictly controlled environment and uses standards of the high-tech industry. This results in contaminant-free mycorrhizal spore suspensions that are used to formulate very high-quality products.

With innovative In-Vitro Technology we cost-efficiently produce pure and highly concentrated AMF in high volumes – in a sterile Class 10000 environment. We have a continuous commitment to R&D – to develop the next generation production methods for optimized formulations that enable targeted applications.

Technological advantages of In Vitro AMF

Innovation Pipeline

Sustainable agriculture is the key to creating a vibrant and sustainable future. Our research priorities are driven by the need for integrated and sustainable solutions to promote a healthier environment, economy, and society for many generations. We believe that innovation and sustainability must go hand-in-hand to ensure the success of the agricultural industry in the long term.